Thursday, June 12, 2008

Okay then, just a quick update as we finish up here at Windborne Farm. It's been pretty great for the past month, we've learned a lot (both about want to do and what not to do! - as usual) and we've got the chance to see Jennifer's crops grow - some are heading up already and some just a few inches high, those that we planted in the past month. It looks pretty great. I've got so many ideas and plans for seed breeding and CSA options. But we're pretty excited to move on as well. We're hopefully going to visit Live Power Farm ( next week which is where Jennifer used to work - they have a bio-dynamic, horse-powered CSA that sounds really awesome and high quality. And we're also thinking of visiting a baker that Jennifer knows who is expert at using local and diverse grains and who does markets and stuff. Both sound really cool.
It's been pretty nice watching Jason and Rafael, two of Jennifer's kids do a mini CSA here, harvesting greens and radishes and stuff and riding them to people on their bike and in the community. We've also done more cultivating with Thor, Jen's draft horse which has been nice and got to see a new baby goat before we left!
So the plan is to go visit these two other places here in California and then head East, visiting the Seed Saver's Exchange Heritage Farm in Iowa on the way. Then we'll be at Bobolink Farm ( in Vernon, New Jersey on July 1.
More soon!