Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Okay, so we made it over the border, just had to pull over and act like cool cucumbers and they let us through. Drove through the Adirondacks and into big smelly ol' New York city. We're thinking about going to a farm around North Carolina/Virginia area next week, just waiting for someone to write us back and say okay. What's crazy is how organized this place is in terms of small-scale farms and such. We're typing in things like "organic farms Virginia" or "CSA farms North Carolina" into Google and finding whole websites with lists of them. There's so darn many of them. It's incredible. And the cool thing is a lot of them are on extension services websites. Not to mention all the farmer-run coops. Oh dear, we think the U.S is so backward but alas, nowhere is more backward then good old Ontario. To test that theory, we're going to visit the Union Square Farmers' Market in Manhattan today....


doughboy said...

Congrats on making it across the border! :) Looking forward to the report on the Union Square farmer's market. The latest here in that Susur Lee just picked up and left Toronto to open a new restaurant on the lower east side. If you have any reason to be anywhere near New Hampshire, I can give you the contact details for Orchard Hill, the farm where I apprenticed. Lots of interesting stuff happening up in Vermont and New Hampshire. Let me know.


Unknown said...

Keep us posted, more blogging!

Merl Fest, Wilkesboro North Carolina next there!

Unknown said...

post more. where are you now ! pictures ??

U-Mark said...

Hey Guys,
Keep an eye out for farming on the roof - I've always been interested in urban organic. Great picture on top of the car!